Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The roller coaster continues

I diagnosed myself with depression when I was in the fifth grade. Or maybe I didn't figure it out until the sixth but whatever I've "had" it since I was about 10. The way it works is that I am in a "normal" spot for a while then suddenly I'm in a "high" but then it becomes a "low". It usually takes a while for me to "level out" again. My emotions run towards the extremes and there's not a whole lot I can do about it. I guess the nice part is that it doesn't seem to respond to changing hormone levels once a month so it's less predictable. If you consider that a good thing.
The "high"s are getting harder to come by and the "low"s are becoming deeper and longer. And my "normal" spells are becoming shorter.

1 comment:

becka said...

on a lighter note, if a bee had allergies does he get hives? i still think thats funny. sucks being depressed wish i could help