Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The song of the rejected

To all the lonely people of the world who've been put down and pushed aside:
The only people who've never felt it are the ones who don't feel. They're the ones that float above it all on a breeze not caring where it leads. They're the ones that put us down, into this lonely place. It's not the "I'm bored and there's nothing to do" kind of lonely. It's not the "I am so sick of this HOUSE" kind of lonely either. It's the "I wanna scream at anyone who gives me a glance and yet I want to be held" kind of lonely. The kind of lonely that makes you hurt all over. Only one person can really fill that void. But what if you can't find them? Then I'm sorry but you're out of luck. I only diagnose, I do not cure. If you find the person, I'm glad for you. But even still, if you find my one, send him my way.

1 comment:

Rebel Z said...

The forced lightness is not appreciated.